Getting Reviewed

"storytelling using mystery/crime as the catalyst"

Reviews are based on one reader's opinion. Don is looking for storytelling using mystery/crime as the catalyst. So the first criteria is that the book be crime-related fiction.

As the name of the publication suggests, most of the books reviewed will be Canadian. However, books by international authors won't be ignored. "Variety is the spice..."

Self-published works will be considered if the book is available in print for purchase in Canada through a local bookstore or online retailer.

The review can be used by the author for promotion purposes.
It can also be used in a local publication as long as a copy is forwarded to Don.

Submission doesn't guarantee a review.
There are many reasons for this. If the author is curious they can contact Don.

Send ARC or print copy of the book to:
Don Graves
1580 Kerns Rd
Burlington ON

Contact Don Graves at


  1. Thanks to all concerned! Good luck - and ENJOY! :-)

  2. Looks great, so pleased to see a Canadian review site.

  3. Hi Don,
    Have asked Simon and Schuster to send you a copy of my new book, Umbrella Man, when it comes out in June. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for setting up this blog! Cheers, Peggy
